Notas detalhadas sobre trading bot deriv

Notas detalhadas sobre trading bot deriv

Blog Article

In this blog post, we will review each pre-set block and explain how to customise them to place your first personalised trade on Deriv Bot.

Bear in mind that once you run your bot, the trade you have set will be repeated indefinitely until you stop it manually by clicking the ‘Stop’ button. If you stop your bot before the current trade is closed, the bot will wait until its duration is over and won’t execute a new trade. 

To select a trade type on Deriv Bot, click the trade type selection list in the ‘Trade parameters’ block, where you select a market and asset.

In our next blog – ‘How to build a basic trading bot with Deriv Bot’ – we will explain how to set up your own trade conditions, such as trade duration and stake amount, and create your first personalised trading bot.

The information contained within this blog article is for educational purposes only and is not intended as financial or investment advice.

In addition to Deriv Bot-specific features, the platform offers a selection of general settings to help you manage your Deriv account.

To make this process easier, Deriv Bot features a drag-and-drop functionality detalhes importantes no site oficial que promovo for arranging the blocks in your workspace:

ESTES blocos obrigatórios são essenciais para qual seu bot por negociaçãeste funcione, e este opcional oferece a oportunidade do atualizar sua estratfoigia por negociaçãeste.

Skip to content The products offered on our website are complex derivative products that carry a significant risk of potential loss. CFDs are complex instruments with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage.

A negociação por opções Derivado do forex, índices de acções e mercadorias não está disponível de modo a clientes qual residam na UE.

The information contained within this blog article is for educational purposes only and is not intended as financial or investment advice.

The first one is used to define your preferred stake amount once, while the second one can be used at any other part of your strategy and will represent this amount.

To access the strategies, click the ‘Quick strategy’ red button in the top left corner of your workspace, select the strategy you prefer, and set the required parameters.

Esta seção é importante de modo a configurar indicadores para análise técnica. Abordamos a análise técnica do Deriv Bot em , outra postagem do blog, então vamos deixar isso como está por enquanto.

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